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Regular price $460.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $460.00 AUD
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This pigeon trap is Australian designed, Australian made and complies with Australian Government regulations.

It is big and very sturdy trap to hold multiple daily catches of feral pigeons and to last for generations.

Pigeons are not native to Australia. Their strong homing instinct keeps bringing them back to where they have found a home. Accumulating pigeon poo makes a huge mess and is corrosive to building surfaces, vehicle paint work, it piles up inside roof cavities and it stinks.


  • Twin entrances.
  • Galvanized steel mesh.
  • Hinged access door through the top with circlip lock.
  • Galvanized feed tray is included to sit on the floor of the trap.


  • Length 970 mm
  • Width 580 mm
  • Height 255 mm
  • Weight 7 kg



  1. An approved method of dispatching feral birds is to quickly wring their neck. Wear gloves.
  2. Another approved method is to put the trap with birds inside it into a large garbag.
  3. Or make a re-usable trap bag with taped-up black builders plastic and gaffer tape from the hardware store.
  4. Cut a 20 mm slit near the sealed end of the bag so that it does not explode like a balloon.
  5. Tie or tape the open end of the bag to a garden hose.
  6. Tie the other end of the hose to the exhaust pipe of a petrol motor.
  7. Cold motors have the most carbon monoxide gas which is fatal.
  8. Run the motor for a couple of minutes so the exhaust fumes fill the bag.
  9. Turn the motor off and let the trap sit enclosed in the bag for a few more minutes.
  10. The birds calmly go to sleep and never wake up, same as euthanasia at the vets.
  11. Undo the top trap entrance, remove the food tray and tip out the dead birds.
  12. Immediately bury the dead birds deep where foxes, dogs, crows and blowflies will not find them.
  13. Reset the trap for the next day’s catch.
  14. Keep trapping until all the pigeons in the flock are caught.
  15. Set the trap again each time a new lot of pigeons comes on to your property.


  1. Decide exactly what you will do with the trapped birds and animals that you are responsible for before you start trapping.
  2. If you are not a professional trapper, seek advice from rangers, vets or hunters prior to trapping for them to despatch pest animals if you cannot do this yourself.
  3. Check your traps for animal catches, morning and evening.
  4. Do not leave animals in traps for more than a few hours, especially during weather extremes.
  5. Place traps in shade where possible or build a rain and sun roof over the trap with piece of corrugated iron that is wire-tied to star pickets at the corners.
  6. Handle all trapped and despatched wild animals and birds with long gloves as they are most likely lice, flea, parasite and worm infested and they can carry numerous diseases and viruses that can adversely affect the health of pets, farm livestock and humans.
  7. Wear protective gear to avoid being bitten or scratched by live wild animals.
  8. Record and photograph where you set traps, especially when placing multiple sets for easy retrieval.
  9. Getting rid of human scent off traps can improve the catch rate - with a light spray of eucalyptus oil or smoking the trap over a wood fire can work for animals that are deterred by human scent.
  10. Rinse off traps not being used and store them in a shed out of sight of trap thieves.
  11. With live capture traps, if you catch an unintended species, pet or a native animal, throw an old blanket or towels over the cage and release the animal from the trap in a place where it is safe to do so.
  12. Cover traps with an old blanket if the trapped animal is nocturnal (active at night) as daylight stresses them out, until you deal with that animal.
  13. Never let a feral animal or bird go alive to breed up more of the same.
  14. It is illegal to harm or kill all native Australian animals.
  15. You don't have to torture an animal or break its bones to trap it - use legal and humane traps.
  16. Shooting a trapped feral animal out in a farm zone is quick and humane.
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